Nursing Skills Guide
W e are online community of nurses. Keen to learn more nursing skills starting from basics and heading towards the advance. Join us by beco...
Urine Bag
Urine Bags Collect Urinary output from internal/Foley's or external catheter. Which comes in different capacities, commonly 1000, 2000 m...
Trachostomy Tube
Tracheostomy Tube is a 2- to 3-inch metal or plastic tube that keeps the stoma and trachea open. Also called a trach ("trake") tu...
Stoma Button
Stoma Buttons/ Tracheostomy button Developed for tracheostomized and laryngectomized patients who only require a device to keep the tracheos...
An instrument for measuring blood pressure in the arteries, especially one consisting of a pressure gauge and a rubber cuff that wraps aroun...
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