Urine Bag

Urine Bags Collect Urinary output from internal/Foley's or external catheter.
Which comes in different capacities, commonly 1000, 2000 ml.

Label the Bag

Urine Bag with Leg Holder

Trachostomy Tube

Tracheostomy Tube is a 2- to 3-inch metal or plastic tube that keeps the stoma and trachea open. Also called a trach ("trake") tube.


Surgical construction of an opening into the trachea through the neck, with insertion of an indwelling tube to facilitate passage of air or evacuation of secretions. The procedure may be an emergency measure or an elective one.
Parts of Tracheostomy Tube:

On patient

Stoma Button

Stoma Buttons/ Tracheostomy button

Developed for tracheostomized and laryngectomized patients who only require a device to keep the tracheostoma open instead of a conventional tracheostomy tube.


An instrument for measuring blood pressure in the arteries, especially one consisting of a pressure gauge and a rubber cuff that wraps around the upper arm and inflates to constrict the arteries.
The word comes from the Greek sphygmós (pulse), plus the scientific term manometer (pressure meter).

Parts of Sphygmomamometer

Blood Pressure Cuff Sizes

Scalp vein set

Scalp vein set:
size color code

Scalp vein sets are design to provide rapid venous access with greater patient comfort. Its butterfly shaped wing facilitate easy handling and attachment with skin.

Colour Codes:

Butterflies are color coded for instant identification of needle gauge.


IV Cannula

Cannula: (derived from latin "little Reed", plural cannulae)

Cannula is a tube that can be inserted in body mainly to administer of remove fluid. I.V. cannula come with trocar to puncture skin and vein in order to get into the intended vein.

Indications of IV cannula:
  1. To administer long term I.V. therapy; fluids, injections.
  2. Before surgery large bore cannula is inserted.
  3. For blood and blood product transfusion
  4. For blood collection, when donating blood.

Complications: There are mainly four complications.

  1. Haematoma formation.
  2. Infiliteration of medication into surrounding tissues
  3. Embolism; that can be air, thrombus, fragment of catheter breaking of and entering into blood stream.
  4. Phlebitis; inflamation of vein.
Parts of I.V. cannula

Gauge Size color Code:

Injection port caps are color coded for instant identification of cannula guage size.

Special consideration:
The size of cannula effects four factor;
  1. Needle guage
  2. External diamete of cannula i.e. its catheter
  3. Length of catheter
  4. Flow rate i.e. ml/min


As the guage nurmber increases the cannula size decreases (14 largest and 24 smallest)Larger the gauge number is (24G) smaller the cannula/diameter is (0.7mm)


Order: Maintaine I.V. line with larg bore cannula

Implementation: Insert 14G or 16G cannula


Foley's catherter

Foley's catheter is a thin, sterile tube, inserted in urethra to bladder to drain urine. Because it can be left in place in the bladder for a period of time, it is also called an indwelling catheter.

It is held in place with a balloon at the end, which is filled with sterile water to hold it in place. The urine drains into a bag and can then be taken from an outlet device to be drained.

Parts of Catheter

Looking closer....


The diameter of the catheter is measured in millimeters. Authorities recommend the "narrowest and softest tube" that will serve the purpose. Rarely is a catheter larger than size 18 F required, and sizes 14 or 16 F are used more often. Catheters greater than size 16 F have been associated with patient discomfort and urine bypassing. A size 12 catheter has been successfully used in children and female patients with urinary restriction.

Color Code

ECG Electrode

An electrode is an electrical conductor.

An electrocardiogram is a recording of the small electric waves being generated during heart activity by ECG electrode.

There are mainly two types of electrodes.
  1. Disposable ( Limb electrode )

  2. Reusable

crash cart

Crash Cart

A crash cart is a wheeled cabinet or chest of drawers which contains all of the equipment necessary for emergency resuscitation, from latex gloves to a defibrillator. Crash carts are conveniently positioned throughout hospitals and some other medical facilities so that they can be quickly accessed in an emergency.

Parts of Crash Cart

The drawers of a crash cart are clearly organized and labeled, so that medical personnel can grab what they need in a hurry.

Division of Drawers

The drawers are usually divided into adult and child sections, as tools and medical supplies come in different sizes for larger and smaller bodies. Commonly, drawers are divided into cardiac and respiratory sections, and a separate drawer may be used for the storage of drugs used in resuscitation.

Artificial Airway

Artificial Airway (Oropharyngeal/ Guedel airway)

A curved piece of plastic inserted over the tongue that creates an air passage way between the mouth and the posterior pharyngeal wall.Useful when the tongue and/or epiglottis fall back against the posterior pharynx in anesthetized or unconscious patients obstructing the flow of air.


Oropharyngeal Airways are designed to maintain an unobstructed Oro- Pharyngeal airway during or following general anesthesia and in patients who are unconscious for other reasons. Integral hard bite block avoids airway occlusion and biting of the tongue.

Color Code

Bite blocks are colour coded for instant identification of sizes

Parts of Airway



A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution. Ampules are commonly made of glass, although plastic ampules do exist.

Most commonly used ampule is no doubt Distal Water Ampule.

Parts of Ampule

How to Open Ampule

Ampules are opened by snapping off the glass top at the neck where a score line/point was pre-made during process of ampoule production. But the score line at neck does not alway break where it is intended, due to re-melting of glass to some unstable degree at that position.

Potential Hazard: Caution

From the day when ampule was invented, hand injuries from ampule opening are coming as a problem globally. It has lead to fatal result of disease cross infection through blood borne pathogens going through percutaneous lacerations. Such injuries could easily end to or lead to Hep. B, Hep C, HIV.

How to Break Ampule safely

Use an ampule cutter and gauze to prevent injury.

  1. Cut the neck of ampule.
  2. Protect your self using gauze.
  3. Snap off the conical tip of ampule.

There are several kind of ampule breakers.

Ambu BAg

Ambu bag

(also known as a Bag valve mask) is a hand-held device used to provide positive pressure ventilation to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing inadequately.


The device is a normal part of a resuscitation tray/kit and is essential part of a crash cart. The device is used extensively in the operating room to ventilate an anaesthetised patient in the minutes before a mechanical ventilation is attached.

Parts of Ambu bag

Adult------1600 ml.
Child-------500 ml.
Infant-------500 ml.
Adult------Size 4
Child------Size 2
Infant------Size 1
Adult------suitable for 1600 ml. bag
Child / Infant---Suitable for 500 ml. bag
Having suitable connectors at both ends for easy and safe connections.

Picture Dictionary

Nursing skills picture dictionary is all about equipments used in nursing procedures. Find out the indications, special considerations, contraindications, color codes, and parts of equipments.

Equipment Picture Dictionary

I.V. Cannula

Urine Bag

more comming soon........